Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lightning Ville!

I'm pleased to announce my new comic,
"Lightning Ville!" Made with MS paint,
this pixel comic is a strip by strip,
daily life portrayal of the people
that live in Lighting Ville.(anytown, usa)
Filled with comic mischief, comedy,
drama, and everything else you can
think of, this comic is sure
to be enjoyed by any reader.

Here is the premiere of "Lightning Ville!"

Projects aside, I'm doing okay.
Community College is going as
good as it gets. The class is a little
slow going for me, probably because
I'm fairly skilled with Computers,
and Windows XP (which is the class focus)
but I'm sure it will get harder soon.
The teacher is really cool,
his lectures are interesting
and easy to listen to.
You can tell he is passionate
for the subject just by the way
he talks.

Right now I'm unsure of where
to transfer after I take the free
classes I am taking (Micro Computer Applications)
and I forget which class
I take after this. Honestly
at this point I'm basically
just playing games and
going on FaceBook for the
majority of the class time,
but only because I'm already
done with the work/know the material.

Here's some pictures I took:

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new comic! I love your photos, too.
